Refund Policy

Damages and Issues 

Please inspect your order upon receipt and contact us within 3 days if you received a damaged item, a wrong item, or if you have any other issues with your purchase. Claims cannot be made after this time period. 

Please send an e-mail to:; include your order number, reason for the email, and pictures of the product (if applicable) to expedite a resolution. 


We will accept original unopened products within 15 days of purchase. Please send the product(s) back to us at the below address and include the original order number. We reserve the right to reject the return of charge a restocking fee if the products are not in original condition. Once we verify the condition, we will issue you a refund.

Return Address:

334 Wellington Rd.
Mineola, NY, 11501


Lost or Stolen Packages

Your shipping cost automatically includes insurance on lost or stolen packages. To make a claim from UPS, click here.